www.SellMyLifeInsurancePolicy.com is a life settlement referral and marketing website. This website is for marketing and life insurance evaluation purposes only. Sellmylifeinsurancepolicy.com is not a life settlement provider or broker. Sellmylifeinsurancepolicy.com will refer qualified policies to a licensed entity or to purchasers exempt from licensing. Sellmylifeinsurancepolicy.com makes no representations about suitability of the information contained on this website. Sellmylifeinsurancepolicy.com does not provide tax, legal, insurance, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, insurance or accounting advice. Please direct questions and comments to the attention of info@sellmylifeinsurancepolicy.com.